
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Life processes an intoduction

What are life processes? 

The basic functions performed by living beings to sustain their life. living being exhibit many activities
1. nutrition
2. respiration
3. transport of material
4.blood circulation
5. excretion

 Although most activities are common in both plants and animals  some of the mentioned activities are shown by exclusively in plants.

for living being to sustain their life energy is required, which is obtained by food. The energy from food is processed inside our body to produce energy,  thus the need of nutrition  arises, For the various functioning of body, for breaking down of molecule and performing oxidation and reduction reactions. This reaction requires oxygen from outside the body which is fulfilled by respiration- also known as aerobic catabolism for its tissue breakdown process.
The nutrients obtained by food are required to be transferred to the whole body for which an effective transport system is required. Blood circulation also helps in transport of oxygen and nutrients. During all these process wastes and toxins are produced in our body which had to be flushed out, this process of expelling out wastes is called excretion. For maintaining a certain species reproduction is equally important.

the branch of science which is deals with the various life processes and the related organs of body is known as physiology.

Next topic: Nutrition

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