
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Adolescence and puberty

When a child takes birth the newborn is called infant till a year, when he starts moving he is called a toddler, then comes the phase of childhood and a fully mature person is called a adult, the time between childhood and adult is adolescence. adolescence is the time when the person is in the process of becoming an adult, who can control their emotions, can act in a society, have intelligence, and is sexually capable.

What is adolescence?
Adolescence is the age in which a person gains social, mental, emotional and sexual maturity. It is the basically the teen age (13 to 19 years). The time when a person faces lots of hormonal changes in his or her body. It is the transition phase from childhood to adulthood.

What is puberty?
Puberty is the time when a person male or female gains sexual maturity. By the end of puberty the person has fully developed reproductive (sex) organs. He/ she has developed all the secondary sex ogans. A boys is biologically ready to become a father and a girl is capable of becoming a mother.

Changes during puberty

Increase in height: during adolescence there is a sudden increase in the height of individual. Generally an individual reaches its maximum height by the end of adolescence.   

Change in physical features: there are many physical changes in an individual during adolescence, although the changes in male and female body are generally different from each other.
     Changes in male:
·         growth of  beard and moustaches
·         chest gets broad
·         development of pubic hair and hair in armpit
·         development in penis
·         enlargement of voice box
·         muscular development of body
    Changes in female:
·         growth of mammary gland and breast
·         pelvic region broadens
·         hips gets broader
·         development of pubic hair and hair in armpit

Change in voice: with the start of adolescence the voice box in case of male gets enlarged and thus the sound coming out of its get hoarse. In certain cases the voice box gets large enough that it can be noticed in the is also called as adam’s apple. 

Increased activity of sweat and sebaceous gland: the sweat and sebaceous gland gets activated. The sweat gland produces lots of sweat, similarly the sebaceous gland also produce sebum, the oil, leading to skin problems like acne and pimple.

Development of hair: there is development of the pubic hair and the hair in armpit
Mental and emotional maturity: an individual gets mental and emotional maturity at this stage. The brain gets developed at this stage and a person has maximum learning power.

Sexual feeling: during adolescence a liking towards opposite sex  develop

Development of sex organs: the pituitary gland release hormone to activate the sex organs such that they can release the gametes. The ovary release ovum and the testes release sperm it start with the development of sex organs.

Secondary sexual character: sexual character develop in human beings
     Changes in male:
·         growth of  beard and moustaches
·         chest gets broad
·         development of pubic hair and hair in armpit
·         development in penis
·         enlargement of voice box
·         muscular development of body
   Changes in female:
·         growth of mammary gland and breast
·         pelvic region broadens
·         hips gets broader

·         development of pubic hair and hair in armpit

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