
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Atoms and subatomic particles

Structure of atom
Atom and molecules are the building blocks of matter. The different matter around us are due the different atoms and molecules that combine together to form those substance. The atoms of different matter are different which have different number of electrons, protons and neutrons. Earlier it was a conception that these small particles are indivisible, but later through experiments and calculations it was concluded that atoms are also divisible and they have structural body.
The components which form an atom are: electrons, protons, and neutrons, these smaller particles are called subatomic particles. Among these subatomic particles electrons are negatively charged, protons are positively charged and neutrons are neutral, that means neutrons are charge less.
Protons and neutrons are present at the centre of atom, this centre is called nucleus and the electron is outside the nucleus.
In an atom the number of electrons and protons are equal thus the overall charge of an atom is zero, on comparing the mass the proton and neutron carries the total mass of an atom in the nucleus and the electron which travels in a circular path around the nucleus contributes nothing to the mass of atom as its mass is almost negligible.

Presence of charged particles around us
When we rub inflated balloon in dry hair, balloon is attracted towards woollen cloth. When we rub glass rod with silk cloth, glass rod attracts an inflated balloon. These two experiments prove that balloon when rubbed with dry hair get electrically charged such that when bought in contact with woollen cloths both attract each other. Thus we can say that charged particles are present in the atoms.

Characteristics of electron, proton and neutron

Characteristics of electron:
        I.            Mass of electron: Absolute mass of electron is 9×10-28grams. It is 1/1840 of mass of one atom of hydrogen.
      II.            Charge of an electron: Absolute charge of an electron is 1.6 × 10-19 coulomb negative charges.  1.6 × 10-19 coulomb is the smallest charge carried by any particle, so it is also called one unit charge.

Characteristics of proton:
        I.            Mass of proton: Absolute mass of proton is 9×10-24grams. It is the mass of one atom of hydrogen.
      II.            Charge of a proton: Absolute charge of an proton is 1.6 × 10-19 coulomb positive charges. This is equal and opposite charge to that of an electron. It is the smallest positive charge carried by any particle, so it is also called one unit charge.

Characteristics of neutron:
        I.            Mass of neutron: Absolute mass of electron is 9×10-24grams. It is equal to the mass of a proton
      II.            Charge of a neutron: neutron has no charge, it is electrically neutral.

Discovery of electron, proton, and neutron:

Discovery of electron:
The existence of electron in an atom was discovered by J.J.Thomson.
A discharge tube was taken with gas in it at a very low pressure.
Electricity at high voltage was passed through it.
Stream of minute particles were given out by the cathode (negative electrode through which current is passing).
These streams of particles are called cathode rays because they come out of cathode.
Since the particles move out and away from cathode (negatively charged), it was concluded that these particles are negatively charged.
Since all different kind of gases emit cathode rays so it was concluded that all atoms contain negatively charged particles.
The mass and charge of these particles does not depend on the gas.
Later these negatively charged particles were called electrons.

Discovery of proton:
The existence of proton in an atom was discovered by E.Goldstein. the presence of electrons already proved that there are some positive particles present in an atom that keep an atom electrically neutral.
A discharge tube was taken with gas in it at a very low pressure.
Electricity at high voltage was passed through it.
Stream of heavy particles were given out by the anode (positive electrode through which current is passing).
These streams of particles are called anode rays because they come out of anode.
Since the particles move out and away from anode (positively charged), it was concluded that these particles are positively charged.
The mass and charge of these particles depend on the gas used in the discharge tube
Later these positively charged particles were called protons.

Discovery of neutron:
The existence of neutron in an atom was discovered by James Chadwick.
After the discovery of protons and electrons, the charges present in atom and the neutral behaviour of atom was explained, but the extra mass of atom other than the mass of proton was still to be explained. This problem was solved by the discovery of another subatomic particle. This particle was neutron which had mass but was charge less.

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