
Saturday, January 18, 2014

Change in states of matter

Change in states of matter

Matter exists in three different forms: solid, liquid and gaseous state. These forms are interchangeable, i.e. we can change a substance from solid state to liquid state or from liquid state to gaseous state and similarly the reverse from gaseous to liquid state and from liquid to solid state. For example, ice melts to from water and when water is heated it evaporates to form water vapour which is in gaseous state. Likewise when water vapour condenses it forms water and water freeze it converts to ice.

The physical state of matter can be change using two techniques:
1.      Changing the temperature
2.      Changing the pressure

Effect of change of temperature:

The state of matter can be changed by changing the temperature, either by heating or by cooling.
When temperature is increased the kinetic energy of particles increases causing more vibration in particles, this leads to decrease in inter particle attraction. Similarly when temperature is decreased the kinetic energy of particles decreases causing vibration of particles to reduce, this leads to increase in inter particle attraction.

1.      Solid to liquid (Melting):
The process in which a solid substance changes into liquid on heating is called melting. Ice melts to form water.
The temperature at which solid substance melts and changes into liquid form at atmospheric pressure is called the melting point of substance. . Ice melts to form water at 0o C, so 0o C is the melting point of ice
Melting point of substance is the measurement force of attraction between the particles of the substance. The greater the force of attraction greater will be the melting point. Melting point of ice is 0o C and that of wax is 63o C. this means the intermolecular force of attraction between wax particles is greater than that of ice.

Causes of conversion: when a solid substance is heated, the heat energy make the particles vibrate vigorously. At melting point the solid particles have sufficient kinetic energy to overcome the strong force of attraction which holds the particles of solid in fixed position. This kinetic energy break the particles in smaller units and thus the solid melts to form liquid.

2.       Liquid to gas (boiling or vaporisation):
The process in which a liquid substance changes into gas on heating is called boiling. Water boils to form water vapour.
The temperature at which liquid substance evaporates and changes into gaseous form at atmospheric pressure is called the boiling point of substance. Water evaporates to form water vapour at 100o C, so 100o C is the boiling point of water.
Melting point of substance is the measurement force of attraction between the particles of the substance. The greater the force of attraction greater will be the boiling point. Boiling point of water is 100o C and that of alcohol is 78o C. this means the intermolecular force of attraction between water particles is greater than that of alcohol.

Causes of conversion: when a liquid substance is heated, the heat energy make the particles vibrate vigorously. At boiling point the particles have sufficient kinetic energy to overcome the strong force of attraction which holds the particles of liquid together. This kinetic energy breaks the particles in individual units and thus the liquid evaporates to form gas.

3.      Liquid to solid (freezing):
The process in which a liquid substance changes into solid on decreasing the temperature is called freezing. Water freezes to form ice.
The temperature at which liquid substance freezes and changes into solid form at atmospheric pressure is called the freezing point of substance. Water freezes to form ice at 0o C, so 0o C is the freezing point of water.

Causes of conversion: when a liquid substance is cooled by lowering the temperature, the particles lose energy due to which they start moving slowly. When liquid is cooled enough till its freezing point, its each particle stop moving and vibrate about a fixed point. This is the point when liquid change and become solid.

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