
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Types of organic compounds

 Types of organic compounds

1.      Hydrocarbons
2.      Haloalkanes (halogenated hydrocarbons)
3.      Alcohol
4.      Aldehyde
5.      Ketones
6.      Carboxylic acids

A brief discussion about the various organic compounds.

1.      Hydrocarbons: These are the compounds made up of hydrogen and carbon only. Example; methane, ethane
2.      Haloalkanes: The elements chorine, bromine, iodine are collectively known as halogens. When halogen group attaches to any hydrocarbon then these are called haloalkanes. These can be named as halogenated hydrocarbons. This group is denoted as –X, where X is Cl, Br, or I. Example; chloroethane, bromoethane.
3.      Alcohol: Alcohol atom is made when one oxygen atom and one hydrogen atom joins together. This is also known as alcoholic group or hydroxyl group. This group is denoted by –OH. Example; methanol, ethanol
4.      Aldehyde: Aldehyde group consist of one carbon atom, one hydrogen atom and one oxygen atom. This group is sometimes called aldehydic group. It is represented as      -CHO.  Example; methanol, ethanal
5.      Ketones: This group consist of one carbon and one oxygen atom. It is represented as –CO-. Example; propanone, butanone.

6.      Carboxylic acids: This group consist of one carbon, two oxygen and one hydrogen atom. Carboxylic acids are also called organic acids. This group is represented by       –COOH. Example; methanoic acid, butanoic acid.

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