
Monday, January 6, 2014



Diamond is an allotrope of carbon generally known for its use in jewellery.

Diamond: properties
1.      Transparent, colourless, Shiny, gleaming and has extreme brilliance
2.      Hard (hardest natural substance)
3.      Very heavy
4.      Does not conduct electricity
5.      When burned only carbon dioxide is released and no residue is left.
6.      Symbol is C

Diamond : structure
1.      Diamond crystal is a big molecule of carbon atoms
2.      Each carbon atom of a diamond crystal is arranged in form of regular tetrahedron, this is a tetrahedral arrangement of atoms.

Why is diamond very hard in nature?
Diamond crystals are made of carbon atom bonded by one another by a network of covalent bond making it very rigid. The rigid structure of diamond makes it a hard substance.
Why is the melting point of diamond very high (3500o C)?
Lot of heat energy is required to bread the strong network of covalent bondin the diamond crystal.
Why is diamond a non conductor of electricity?
Carbon has 4 valence electrons, in diamond all the 4 valence electrons are engaged in making covalent bond. So, there are no free electrons left. Since there are no free electrons so it does not conduct electricity.
Why diamond shows extreme shine?
Diamond has an ability to reflect and refract light due to this diamond shows brilliance.

Uses of diamond
1.      Since diamond is extremely hard, it is used for cutting and grinding other hard matter. It is used in cutting instrument like glass cutter and rock drilling equipment.
2.      Diamond dies are used for drawing thin wires like tungsten filament of electric bulb
3.      Due to its shine it is used in jewelleries
4.      Sharp edge diamond are used by eye surgeon as tool to remove cataract

Synthetic diamond

Synthetic diamonds are diamond formed artificially. When pure carbon is subjected to high pressure and temperature diamond can be formed artificially.

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