
Saturday, January 4, 2014

MCQ Carbon and compounds

Class X

Carbon and compounds

multiple choice questions

1. which of following is buckminsterfullerene
a. C40
b. C50
c. C60
d. C70

2. Electronic configuration of carbon is
a. K2, L4
b. K1, L5
c. K2, L5
d. K1, L4

3. what are unsaturated hydrocarbons?
a. carbon atoms connected by single bond
b. carbon atoms connected by double bond
c. carbon atoms connected by triple bond
d. b and c

4.  Which type of bond does carbon form
a. ionic
b. covalent
c. both ionic and covalent bond
d. carbon makes a different type of bond

5 . which one is not a property of diamond
a. it is  hard
b. conducts electricity
c. does not conduct electricity
d. burns to form carbon dioxide

6 . why is graphite a soft substance
a. because of its sheet like structure
b. because it is made of carbon
c. because of its spherical arrangement of atoms
d. because it has free electrons

7. in which state is buckminsterfullerene found in room temprature  
a. solid
d. plasma

8. two carbon is indicated by
a. prop
b. eth
c. meth
d. but

9.  organic compound having same molecular formula but different structures are called
A .isotopes
b. allotropes
c. isomers
d. isobars

10. which one is not in homologous series:
a. CH4
b. C2H6
c. C2H4
d. C4H10

11. what kind of atom is carbon
a. monovalent
b. divalent
c. trivalent
d. tetravalent

12. What is the meaning of catenation?
a. tetravalency
b. self combination
c. formation of ionic bonds
d. formation of covalent bonds

13. which one is carbon occurring in free state.
a. diamond
b. carbonate
d. carbohydrates

14 . which form of carbon is in combined state?
a. buckminsterfullerene
b.  carbonate
c. diamond
d. a and b

15 . which one is not an allotrope of carbon
a. diamond
b .silicon
c. graphite
d. buckminsterfullerene

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