
Saturday, January 4, 2014

SOLUTION MCQ Carbond and its compounds

SOLUTION MCQ Carbond and its compounds

1.Correct answer: c
Explanation: buckminsterfullerene is an allotrope of carbon containing cluster of 60 carbon atom joined together to form spherical molecule.

2.Correct answer: a
Explanation: atomic number of carbon is 6. Maximum number of electrons in K energy shell is 2 and remaining 4 electrons in L shell. Therefore the electronic configuration of carbon is  K2, L4

3.correct answer: d
explanation: saturated hydrocarbon are those hydrocarbon in which two carbon are connected with a single bond. unsaturated hydrocarbons are those hydrocarbon that are connected by a double bond or a triple bond
4. correct answer: b
explanation: outermost shell of a carbon atom has 4 electrons. It is not possible to add or to remove 4 electrons from an carbon atom. Due to its configuration carbon atom can achieve inert gas configuration only by sharing its electrons, so carbon always form covalent bonds.

5.correct answer: c
explanation: diamond has no free electrons to conduct electricity

6.correct  answer: a
explanation: graphite is soft because of its sheet like arrangement

7.correct answer: a
explanation: it is a dark solid in room temparature

8.correct answer: b
explanation: two carbon is indicated by eth. Examples are ethane, ethane.

9.correct answer: c
explanation: organic compound having same molecular formula but different structures are called isomers.

10.Correct answer: c
explanation: CH4, C2H6 , C4H10  are alkanes whereas  C2H4 is an alkene

11.correct answer:d
explanation: one carbon atom require 4 electron for sharing and gaining inert pair configuration. So its valency is 4. This means carbon is tetravalent

12.correct answer:b
explanation: the property of carbon to form strong bonds among themselves is called catenation.

13.correct answer: a
explanation: carbonate, wood and carbohydrate are carbon in combined form. Free state of carbon is the form when carbon occur as element,

14.correct answer: b
explanation: buckminsterfullerene and diamond are carbon in elemental form. Carbonates are carbon in combination with oxygen

15.correct answer: b
explanation: diamond, graphite, buckminsterfullerene are pure form of carbon

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